Edouard's career began in 1993 as an FX trader in Hong Kong. He fell in love with recruitment in early 2000 pre-dotcom bubble and during his 19-year career he has searched and secured talent for startups, scale ups, grownups, multinationals, consultancies and systems integrators. Having spent his entire working life expatriated in China (Hong Kong), Italy, the UK and Singapore, he is a diversity champion who has worked with many cultures and nationalities and assumed multiple roles in international and global B2B sales, whether in a leadership capacity or as an individual contributor, excelling in business development. He is a multilingual recruiter who works on a retained, project, contingent permanent or time & material basis. Gregarious by nature, he is driven by passion, integrity and excellence.He specialises in Client Acquisition (on-boarding, account management and development) Talent Acquisition (mapping, hunting, screening, engaging, attracting, hiring, onboarding, pipelining) and is an expert in UK, EU, US and APAC labour & contract legislation and compliance.As of March 2018 his niche tech and design search consultancy recruits global talent for ecommerce, fintech and blockchain businesses.